Having hiked Luke cazy the last day, these urban legs were screaming for mercy. My walking app was broken- couldn't have been inky 15000 steps - it was surely missing a zero. My muscles were begging for mercy! So the deal was that we would do something without too much walking About an hours drive from Gardiner around the Grand Loop would take us to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone where we could drive up to see the Lower and Upper Falls.
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone was a a jagged vista of multi-hued craggy tall peaks of oranges, yellows and light greens, rockey ledges and steep slopes that reminded one of the movie - Where Eagles Dare. More than six hundred thousand years ago, a super volcano erupted in Yellowstone and forned a huge caldera that filled with laba and sediments forming Yellowstone. The Yellowstone River had over eons cut through this lava and rocks to form the Grand Canyon.
Lookout point on the North Rim was thankfully a flat short fairly mundane stroll - and suddenly we turned a corner and nature held its doors ajar - like one of these pop-up books we had as children. In front of us, rushing with unstoppable force, like countless giants thrashing about in water between to two sharp peaks stood the Lower Falls. All over 300 feet and twice as tall as the Niagara - it was what the iconic posters and magnets are made of.
As I stood is awe, everything else felt so small and insignificant. The tumultuous cascades hypnotized the visitor with its grandeur. And I was so under the spell that I decided that it was a good idea to do a steep hike down to the lower brin - a steep dirt trail thar plunged down 600 feet. Thinking bout the brutal climb up, I gingerly walked down wondering what could top the view I had just seen.
And there it was - over the waterfall and framing the gushing waters, was a rainbow. Even the jaded city kids, for once, stoop in awe! Nature, it seems, had decided to paint for us today. And every good painting deserves a selfie! Scattered in that viewing area were women of all ages, with various head tilts and face contortions taking selfies, while harried dads tried to corall hyper active kids with a tendency on straying too close to the ledge!
The Southern Rim and the Upper Falls were leisurely drives with stops for bisins blocking the road, hot lemon tea and caramel cake.
In today's world fraught with binary concepts of us versus them, good versus evil, this is my attempt to bring in shades of grey into the collective discourse.
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