The day 3 afternoon hike through a part of the Upper Geyser basin surrounding Old Faithful was no less stunning. Hues of emeralds, coral, turquoise and ochres dotted the white rock surfaces. On two sides of the wooden boardwalk were numerous volcanic water holes and geysers of different shapes and hues. The anemone geyser, the cone, the twins - yhe waters rose up in smoke over the cobal surfaces surrounded by the saffron and gold rocks. All these colors - which I thought was a chemical reaction, was actually a result of living organisms- the heat loving thermophyles blanketing the rock surfaces. The gem like waters glistened in afternoon sand and the earth's crust bubbled and moved around these deceptively steaming cauldrons of hot water.
After an hour of walking around we were back at Old Faithful - and it was picture time. Timing a groufie with the eruption of a geyser takes some precise timing, calculation, and infinite patience!
After much debate about the upper viewing area of Grand Prismatic versus the lower basic, we decided to take the hike up the mountain to the lookout area, with promises of the view being a hundred times better! The hike up was a gentle leisurely walk and the earth suddenly opened its jewelry chest - in it was a crystal turquoise of the deepest hues ringed by glimmering gems of green and gold - the Grand Prismatic was like a Moghul crown jewel set perfectly in the gold crown of Yellowstone.
Wanting a closer look, we drove to the lower basin where the wooden walkway snaked around the Grand Prismatic, winding through the water pools and rising steam. A land where once the gods had played.
In today's world fraught with binary concepts of us versus them, good versus evil, this is my attempt to bring in shades of grey into the collective discourse.
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